Episode 208

Doing Business During COVID


November 6th, 2020

39 mins 48 secs

Season 4

Your Hosts

About this Episode

    <p>This time, we have food entrepreneur and pierogi queen <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessajwhite/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Vanessa White</a> back for a discussion about life during COVID-19, running a small business and what the post COVID world might look like. Vanessa is co-owner of <a href="http://www.jajupierogi.com/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Jaju Pierogi</a>—now sold in stores all over New England. I think there’s no better way to view the business world than through the eyes of a small business or startup owner. We learn what life has been like the past six months. And we get a glimpse into the effort it takes for a small business to get shelf space. The life of a small business person is full of stress, so Vanessa shares some of the stresses she sees every day and how she deals with them. The post-COVID world will be here soon and Vanessa has some thoughts on that as well. Vanessa used to work for me, and it has been great seeing her build her business from scratch. Overall, a very appetizing discussion about food and more.&nbsp;</p>